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Your Body Type: Ectomorph

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An email is coming your way in a few minutes with your results and access to my 7-day holistic transformation kickstart mini-course.
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Get Access to the Follow Up program to the 7 day Transformation kickstart

Save HUGE With These One Time Offers and Start Your Transformation!

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Start Your Transformation

Choose Your One Time Offer

30 Day Follow Up Program to the 7 Day Transformation Kickstart (Nutrition Coaching not inluded)

Regular $129

Now Only $29

Save $100 Today

This 30 day program is designed to gradually get you off the couch and start living a more active, healthy & fit lifestyle. 

With access to the FindYourFire Training app, it’s like having a personal trainer in your pocket with instructional exercise videos and step by step plans. This 30 day kick-start is the perfect way to start gradually building healthy habits, especially if you have been more sedentary or avoiding your health & fitness journey. 

Complete with a calendar of daily goals, progress trackers, and weekly text messages to keep you accountable to your goals!

*NOTE: This program *does not* include my nutritional guidance or weekly coaching live zoom calls. It is a stand alone physical fitness program to add to your 7-day transformation kick-start mini course.

12 Week Total Transformation Program with Group Calls + Community + Nutrition Coaching

Regular $597

Now Only $297

Save $300 Today

This 12 week program will give you the total transformation experience. With cardio and workout plans specifically designed for your individual body type (ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph), this is the most efficient way to reach your goals. 

Access to the FindYourFire Training app is like having a personal trainer in your pocket, with instructional exercise videos and step by step plans. 

This program is the perfect way to take your health & fitness goals to the next level. Complete with a calendar of daily goals, progress trackers, daily coaching text messages, a 44-page nutritional guidance e-book, and sample meal plans. 

This program includes access to our community, my personal coaching support through weekly live zoom calls, which covers nutritional coaching and mindset work to keep you accountable and on track with your transformational results.

Client Success

Results from my Programs

Sofia K.
Sofia K.
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I would like to thank Margherita for coaching and supporting me throughout this entire process. She truly is an amazing coach but most importantly an amazing person. Without her, I know for sure I wouldn’t be able to achieve the level of leanness I was able to get to.
Vanessa M.
Vanessa M.
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Margherita has shared so many tools with me to track my progress, stay on track and stay motivated. Now I approach all my goals with confidence and ease. Working with her, I know my success with anything I choose to do is inevitable."
Luisa D.
Luisa D.
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"Margherita is exactly what someone needs if they are looking to transform not only on the outside, but inside too. Thank you for all your guidance, I know anyone who works with you will get results."
Garrett M.
Garrett M.
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Honestly, people such as Margherita inspire me. I've always looked up to people in the fitness industry and how they were able to accomplish such incredible physiques but also transform mentally through fitness.
Ola M.
Ola M.
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Margherita has been the secret weapon in my plan to get fit. Her encouragement and attention to proper technique has enabled me to get results, and I feel fitter and healthier now than I ever have in my life!"
Michael C.
Michael C.
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I was tired of doing the same diet, same training program and seeing NO CHANGE until I decided to do Margherita's 12 week program. Weekly check ins made it convenient to ask questions and get the support I needed. I would encourage anyone looking to make a significant change to work with Margherita - she is professional, courteous and attentive.

What's Up Girl

I’m so happy you landed on this page, mainly because I know that if you’re here right now, it’s because you caught a glimpse of your potential and your intuition is leading you towards everything and more.  

Now, you may not realize it yet, but you and I vibe on such a deep level.

We share so many insights and interests around fitness, spirituality, holistic health and nutrition, and mindset work.

And that’s why I am so excited to share all of my expertise with you because you can hear me.

You have the language for this. You and I are on the same vibe and nothing makes me happier than that.

So don’t forget to stay connected and check your inbox for all of the upcoming emails you’re about to receive.

Starting with an in depth explanation of the results of your quiz and the next steps for your seven day transformation Kickstarter. 

Now, here’s the thing about teaming up with me.

I want you to have all of the tools you are ever going to need on your journey.

I want you to know how to create a successful transformation from the inside out, based on your specific body type and the results that you’re after.

In fact, I want this for you so much that I wanna give you everything you need so that you no longer need me one day.

My intention is for you to become your own guide and your own empowered version who knows how to sustain your transformation and this new holistic way of life. 

Now, if we haven’t met yet, my name is Margarita and I am Miss Fitness Canada. I’m a fitness pro,  IFBB bikini competitor, holistic health and nutritionist, mindset coach, and Reiki master.

And right now, I am in the beautiful Medellín in Colombia, and I am here just to deepen my journey, my lifelong practice and commitment to spirituality, holistic health and nutrition, and of course, fitness as an integrative approach to the mind, body, and spirit, and all that we can manifest outwardly in our experience.

But before I get too deep into that Let me just cap this off by saying I call myself the holistic bodybuilding mystic for that reason.

My mission over the last decade has been to bridge the gap between these worlds.

And in all my experience, what I’ve come to realize is there is a new paradigm of fitness that is emerging.

Fitness is no longer this thing we just do for some physical results or to look a certain way.

No, no, honey, you already know we're going much deeper than that. 

Your journey in health and fitness becomes your access point for transformation in your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.

And the true opportunity this journey holds for us is the empowered versions of ourselves that we become through this process.

And not to mention the spiritual mastery that you gain when you learn how to connect this work on a soul level.

Because in the find your fire technique, fitness begins in the mind before results translate to your body. 

And if you can get the hierarchical order of transformation right, which you’ll be learning all about in day six of seven on your transformation kickstart.

And I truly believe there is no limit to what you can do and what you can achieve in your life.

Girl, I want you to remember the lessons you learn in the gym are transferable to your everyday experience.

And I’m about to show you exactly how to transform and build your resiliency from the inside out. 

So if you’re ready to get started with me right now, then amazing because I have a mega offer for you down below, but it’s time sensitive right now you can gain immediate access on the Find Your Fire training app, along with a specifically designed 12 week program for your body type and your goals.

And hey, I am so confident that this is going to work, that if you try this program and you don’t get results, just email me in the first 30 days and I will refund your money back. 

So my girl, if you’re ready to make your vision a reality, then stay connected to me in these emails. 

I’m about to give you all of my expertise, and I’m telling you I don’t hold back.

In fact, the more you stay connected to the Find Your Fire community, and make learning with me a part of your everyday experience, then the more your transformation is going to become your reality. 

Because here’s the thing,  you hold the vision in your mind for a reason. It’s yours to be realized, or else you wouldn’t even have it come to mind.  So if you’re ready for this, I’ll see you on the flip side. Let’s go.