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Get motivated with the latest transformation topics, news, updates, mindset tips, tricks, and recipes. I welcome you to the inner workings of my mind, where I can hold the mirror for your (r)evolution in thinking, knowledge, and understanding. When you know better, it’s time to do better.

The Come Back – 2 Weeks Out, Shoulder Workout
Getting closer, and narrowing down the show dates. Join me as we train shoulders together, and continue to dial in that show condition during those final weeks! It’s taken my body a lot longer to

The Come Back – 5 Weeks Out
It’s been 5 years since I hit the stage. now i return, and make my debut as a New IFBB bikini pro! 5 years. 5 years of lessons. 5 years of evolution. 5 years of

The Gift in Adversity, My Intentional Training™ Technique, and a touch of My Story.
Sometimes, doing cardio brings me to a trance-like state, and the insights start flooding… After this training session, I couldn’t help but come to the changeroom, turn on my camera, and just start sharing. I

What connects our body, to our mind, to spirit?
It’s our will – also known as the seat of the soul, which connects the physical to the metaphysical. Hear me out.. because these insights came flooding mid-workout, making me stop to write it out.

Success Story: Garrett M.
Interview with Garrett on his transformation Journey Garrett, you did it. You stopped waiting, and started working on the goals you had on your mind for so long! You are an inspiration to many for

Success Story: Sofia K.
Interview with Sofia on her transformation Journey It’s no secret Sofia, you are an inspiration to many! You’re a busy Mom of 2, working full time, and loving wife, AND you’ve made the time for

5 Tips for Transforming Your Health & Fitness Game
Picture this: you’re a powerful, radiant being, who’s excitement is overflowing for the big goals you have on your mind. You know exactly what you want.You have the resources around you.And yet, there is still